This is the second advert for a fertility awareness campaign for l'Agence de la biomédecine done with Passion Paris.
Directed by Bali Engel and Mat Landour as BAT.
Below is the original artwork made by BAT Collective.

This is an infertility awareness advert for L'Agence de la Biomédecine, a french government funded agency linked to the department of health. This second one is addressed at women.
Two women discuss the beauty of donating the gift of life.
This is to raise awareness about the fact that women from the age of 18 to 37 can donate their eggs to help couples with fertility issues.
Produced by: Passion Paris, Emile Chaillou & Marion Vermogen
Directed by:BAT Collective
Character Animation by: Felix Kerjean.
Sound Design and Music by: Diner au Motel